Vision Background
Over the six weeks of the Festival of York Central and York Central Exhibition at the National Railway Museum we’ve been exploring the plans and possibilities for York Central. Each week we produced Open Briefing documents. We have now drawn out and synthesized the discussions into a Vision for York Central, with a very short summary Big Ideas document, and a set of Principles of how York Central can be developed in the next stages.
This document has been drawn together from community engagement through the Festival of York Central, largely through:-
- Feedback through Post-Its at the exhibition, photographed/uploaded/tagged on our Flickr site.
- Discussion at festival events, summarised through a series of blogs and informing a set of open briefing documents which were produced on the festival themes of open space, homes work and movement.
- Other input via various meetings and workshops with specific groups (for example elected members, local schools, pop-ups, York Youth Council).
- Contributions via conversations on the doorstep, via door-knocking carried out by local councillors and support teams.
The purpose of this document
Revisiting the open briefing documents following the Festival, it was clear that while they largely captured the engagement during each of the themed weeks, there was still scope for a consolidating document which minimised duplication and built upon the links between the issues contained in the individual documents. For example the relationship between homes and movement is itself a key point and one which the two separate briefing documents doesn’t satisfactorily address. There were also over-arching principles which we wanted to give due prominence (for example sustainability) and others which – while central – hadn’t been part of the four weekly themes (for example heritage significance).
These ideas, principles and vision are not only for the York Central Partnership. Many are broader than the site and beyond the control of the Partnership. Therefore these ideas are for organisations across the city, community groups and individuals to work collaboratively to help make them happen.