Throughout the Festival of York Central there were some strong themes that could usefully underpin what happens next. There was a desire from many people to be actively involved throughout the devleopment of York Central – from developing further ideas to co-design and commuity-led development. For York Central to be innovative, linked to city-wide change. For York Central to be underpinned by a ‘social contract’ to ensure the benefits of York Central are spread widely. To explore the ideas that came out of the Festival of York Central, read the Vision and Big Ideas. To understand the York Central Partnership contexts read the Prelude and Annex.
These are principles that were so central to the public engagement response that they should underpin all future thinking on the proposals.
- Ongoing community engagement: For broad and open ongoing community engagement with the development process. The broad and open approach should also shape as far as possible the process of statutory approvals.
- Identify issues and co-design solutions: For community engagement to be based upon a continuity of conversation which allows for consideration of options, viability issues and creative design – in short a “grown-up conversation” where there is an invitation both to identify issues and to co-design solutions.
- Shaped by future aspirations not current norms: For the development on York Central to be bold and innovative, shaped by hopes and expectations for future urban living rather than current norms.
- York Central as a lever for city-wide change: For the development to be a lever for change across the city as a whole and to move forward in parallel with review and implementation of a widely-supported local plan.
- A social contract for York Central: For York Central to be developed in ways which spreads benefit, is underpinned up the city’s human rights ethos and is used to creatively address inequalities.