At the beginning of the week we looked through the Post-Its from events and the conversations on social media and chose the week’s hot topics – either new questions or ones which had arisen from consideration of previous responses. The Partnership and the masterplanning team have responded, and these responses are set out below.
As previously, in some cases there are no clear answers to the questions raised, and we’ll again use these to drive discussion as the process of community engagement moves forward. As part of this we’ve suggested possible further questions which spring from the responses. To see these in context, take a look at our Flickr site and use the tags to see media which relates to the various issues.
So, you had been asking:-
There has been talk about “encouraging sustainable modes of transport”, but will York Central be able to ensure actual change?
Response:- The site is centrally located and we’re providing the infrastructure to support walking/cycling/train/bus and limiting parking within the site and there will be Travel Plans for future occupiers/users which can focus on non-car use.
What provision will be made for schools and other community facilities, and where?
Response:- As part of the planning application process, the need for a school and community facilities is being considered through discussions with the Council and the Partnership will make land available.
How will culture and the arts be built into York Central?
Response:- It is very much anticipated that the richness and vibrancy of the arts and culture in the city of York will be a key part of the place-making at York Central. Helped by the presence of an enhanced national museum with over 1 million visitors and unrivalled transport connectivity, the site will provide a number of new spaces for the city’s existing arts and cultural organisations to programme, produce for and perform/exhibit. These spaces will include new public squares, parks and buildings. The YC Partners wish to continue to work with York Cultural Leaders and other cultural stakeholders to ensure that the full range of cultural opportunities at York Central are identified and delivered. The Council’s Draft Local Plan (Publication Draft) includes a policy for cultural provision (specifically policy D3), where culture and wellbeing are identified as one of the twelve core planning principles underpinning plan making which will be considered by YCP.
Follow-up question:- The proposals for arts and culture in the draft Local Plan call for the production of a Statement of Cultural Wellbeing for major new developments. Will such a document be produced here, and who will produce it?
How do we build a community, and how will this link with existing communities?
Response:- YCP is providing homes with a variety of tenure and unit sizes to encourage a broad mix of users and this includes a commitment to provide 20% affordable housing. YCP will be focussing on integrating adjoining communities physically by providing better links and by listening to comments made about facilities people would like to see that are deficient in their locality.
How are the universities and their students being involved in shaping York Central?
Response:- York’s Higher Education Board have been briefed on York Central, and further meetings are planned with individual organisations. YCP held a pop-up at York College and have run sessions with York Youth Council and a Secondary School Voice workshop. Details of the Festival will be circulated to share with their staff and students.
How will buildings in York Central respond to moves towards zero carbon, and will the development take a lead in this?
Response:- Building regulations and Local Plan policies with regard to sustainability and energy will be met. Exploration of these elements is underway and will inform the planning submission. YCP is looking at low levels of parking for private use, and promoting cycle/ pedestrian movement and this is a work in progress.
Follow-up question:- Some local authorities (such as Bicester, Exeter and Norwich) are pursuing higher standards of sustainability where their ownership of the land permits them to do this. Is this something the Partnership might pursue, and what would be the factors in considering it?